Dr.S.S.Sambhi Sir addressing the students |
Dr.S.S.Sambhi who is one of the renowned professors. Graduated and completed his Ph.D. from IIT Delhi, he worked in the Chemical Industry. He was the first dean of University School of Chemical Technology, GGSIPU and later, also became the President of Indian Insitute of Chemical Engineers NRC Delhi.
Words of wisdom quoted by sir during his Speech :
Dr.S.S.Sambhi (a snap during his speech) |
This sometimes they complain look at IT people they celebrate all the time. Its true that the chemical engineer has to work more and has a much broader vision as he has to learn more than any other. I tell students who are pursuing MBA right after that after that you may be running 100 or 500 cr plant so why is it necessary to do MBA , is enough unless you are willing to go in finance or can help you sharp your analytical skills not that after Mtech or MBA you will come out as noble prize person. Purpose of this skill is to enhance your analytical capabilities. When your parents pay so much fees, you must take the advantage of this opportunity as after growing up, certain restrictions may arise. Your third year and fourth year are the most crucial period for a student that is where we teach you the fundamentals of engineering. When you have a degree and you prove your worth, you will definitely get a job. When we opened this university (USCT), we started with this software ASPEN, MATLAB to get advanced with the upcoming development. Such software is so important that having skill in them can also help you get the job.
Our job must be to spread the importance of chemical technology, as only these are the engineer that remains in the industry all through. Also, it is also important to understand that we all come under chemical technology, it is understood that you are a specialist in all such technology related to that. Many people do not know that over 200 million tonnes of crude oil we are importing for processing. Maybe IT people may get 5 lac package and chemical engineering people get 3 lacs package, but they can't get that much growth in future as you are bound to get.
Interview with Professor S.S.Sambhi :
* Chairman of IIChE NRC * Former Dean of USCT
Q. Sir, can you tell us about your job profiles?
A. I did my BTech, M.Tech, and Ph.D. from IIT Delhi and I worked there till 1990. Then I joined Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. I joined here as a reader, then I was Dean of USCT for 5 years and got retired in 2015. Presently the chairman of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering.
A. In IIT Delhi, the culture was to give assignments. This doesn't leave students with much time, an assignment will be given and they want it done the next day. And you know students some of them will do it, the others will just copy.
In engineering or any professional course, it is very important. If you are doing assignments, putting extra efforts ultimately it counts. The fundamentals that teachers are teaching you, they get a fix in your mind and that helps you in your later on career and industries where you go.
Q. As a member of IIChE, What are your views regarding the evolution of chemical industry?
A. The problem with chemical engineering is if a plant is a batch type and small, there you do not need automation. Whereas when it comes to large plants, where the technology is bringing a change and manpower is limited there. All the plants are automated in large-scale industry and human error is almost eliminated.
Q. Would you like to say something for the undergraduate students?
A. It is essential to attend the classes. And the reason is very simple, If I give a lecture for one hour, I spend two hours on the preparation of that. If you are not regular like joining after two lectures, nothing will go in your head. The basic problem with students is that they miss the initial portion like going on a vacation of one week. And you miss a lot in a week and then you try to cover up but you will never cover up because you don't have time.
I am delivering that one hour lecture after the preparation of 3 hours after my experience, then you try to do it yourself searching here and there, that's only wasting time. Teachers can spend that amount of time because we just have to give one hour lecture while you have to learn 40 hours of lecture. This is basically time management.
I don't think teachers are more intelligent then you, the difference is that they can afford the time and you can't.
For this kind of a professional course, you have to remember for a lifetime and not just for the semester.
This is very essential, whatever you have learned you have to retain it and keep refreshing it.
This is basically your learning period. And the third and fourth year are very important that is when the core engineering is taught.
If you have retained all that for the interview, The career graph for an engineer from chemical technology is exponential, it will be steady for the first 6-7 years after that you reach a stage where you demand.
Remember we are the only engineer who knows the process and no other engineer. If you know a process then you can do the costing and the management is always interested in profits. If management is coming up with a new process they will always consult a chemical or a biochemical engineer and once you come in contact with them, you rise.
Students with Dr.S.S.Sambhi |
Credits :
Interview - Shivam Pandey, Rishabh Gosain, and Tanuj Handa
Article- Bhumika Pippal
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I am agreed with the answer, if a plant is a batch type and small, there you do not need automation. Whereas when it comes to large plants, where the technology is bringing a change and manpower is limited there, It is a problem with chemical engineering that I have seen in many times. Thank you.